I have already written about it, that a motorhome solves many problems, encountered on their way by travelers organizing expeditions. It does, that many issues can be easily resolved through caravanning, does not mean, that even for such a trip one should not prepare properly.

What you need to remember first of all? O:

    • planning the route and its appropriate distribution during the journey (I will write about it in a separate note, because it's a longer topic),
    • becoming familiar with the road conditions and, in addition to taking a GPS with you, stocking up with the latest car maps of the terrain, on which he sets off,
    • making sure, that the car is technically sound and properly equipped for the trip,
    • currency exchange - not in all European countries it is possible to easily exchange Polish zlotys into the current currency (for example in Macedonia, Albania, Moldova). Therefore, it is best to travel with a supply of euros or a credit card (withdrawing money from an ATM carries a commission, but paying in stores for purchases is not),
    • checking documents:

– you must have your passport with you (it must be valid for at least six more years) or ID card, if we move around the European Union. However, it is best to have both of these documents with you. You never know, whether there would be a detour, and it will lead in Italy via Switzerland,

-national driving license is honored in all European countries except Albania. We must have an International Driving License there.

I propose to make a photocopy of the documents - in case of their loss. If it happens, then an immediate visit to the Consulate is necessary. Consul, after verifying your identity, may issue a replacement passport for return to Poland.


Remember: Does not matter, how good a driver you are. Driving a passenger car is completely different from driving a motorhome or caravan. That's why you have to learn to drive again! So don't charge and measure your intentions. If you drive reasonably, then you'll learn to do it right faster.

Above all, don't forget, that the motorhome is much taller than the bus, not to mention an ordinary passenger car. So do not make it a convertible under the simplest bridge - the roof may still be useful to you, when it starts to rain. If not in warm countries, it is definitely in Poland. I saw with my own eyes how a certain gentleman drove under the bridge and to get out from under it, he had to deflate the tires. Unfortunately, even this procedure did not help him much. He had ripped off the roof, and he was not overly happy about it. Therefore, with all conviction - I recommend paying attention to it, what you are driving into.

Secure your belongings inside very well while driving, lest they fall and be destroyed. It is the same with this, outside - fasten everything firmly and check, or surely there is no probability, that it will fall. Better not to cause accidents on the road.

Check the security of the roof closures during the journey (especially on the roof). The rush of air while driving can tear the windows.

Don't be lazy. Undoing, parking, get out of the car and check twice, how much space do you actually have in the rear. Don't trust it, what "seems" to you. Incorrectly estimating the distance can cause you a lot of trouble. You will be surprised, how important this advice is!

Nobody is allowed to stay in bed during the journey. If you meet the police, this one will check not only the way seat belts are fastened, but also this, whether everyone is riding on the seats. If someone will sleep in bed while driving - put it away 200 euro on mandate. Per person.

Close the gas cylinder valve while driving! Forget gas heating while driving. He threatens to do that 500 euro penalties.

Try to stay overnight at campsites. I happened to stand in a port in Croatia, in the small town of Senj. It was already late, There was a very strong Bora wind and it was difficult to find a camping site in such weather. Water, to my great amazement, the city guard came up to us. You had to pay a fine, for not stopping at the campsite.

Of course, in some countries it is still allowed to park in the wild. However, you need to do some research beforehand, where it can be done freely, without any problems. Another solution is to ask the local host for help. If he has a large yard or a piece of land, then perhaps he will let him stay there - for a small fee or sometimes even for free. This way you can also meet interesting people and come into direct contact with the culture of the place, in which you came.

And two more rules, which, admittedly, apply to driving all vehicles, but they must be remembered constantly: firstly, rest a lot. Do not overdo, because falling asleep at the wheel is a moment. Secondly, do not forget, that you as a driver are responsible for many people. Therefore, do not drive under the influence of alcohol.

A camper is a huge car. Causing an accident before it can end tragically - that's why the last two rules must be absolutely essential, without exceptions, observe!