VIN number

VIN number

The abbreviation VIN stands for the vehicle identification number from the English Vehicle Identyfication Number. The VIN is the unique identification of the vehicle, which is assigned at the production stage to each car.

As it turns out the data, which it contains VIN number may not be useful …

Excise duty and VAT refund for a car imported from Germany

Excise duty and VAT refund for a car imported from Germany

After returning to the country, we have to pay, among others. excise duties. Before we do that, however, we must inform you whether the car came on its own or on a tow truck. If the latter is the latter, we must know

Seat Exeo

Seat Exeo

The Seat Exeo aspires to be a middle class car, and it really is. Some people call the Seat Exeo the Spanish incarnation of the Audi A4.

As long as the silhouette I leave the seat it's rather original, although there are certainly similarities to …