Cheaper car driving

Cheaper car driving

And although fuel prices are regularly falling, in our reality, owning a car is still quite an expensive undertaking. Pole with average earnings, who does not want to strain the household budget too much, it can only refuel once or twice a month. And what is that, if we're constantly driving around town, especially large. Unfortunately, we can't really count on that, that the costs of refueling gasoline or diesel will somehow fall terribly in the near future, so you have to think about it, how to reduce car operating costs.

In Poland, they are no longer available ...

Unfortunately, fuels with a lower octane number are no longer available in Poland, which a few years ago were quite a good alternative for people, which wanted to save a bit on fuel, and they had an older car. Today the only way out for people, who do not want to spend too much on refilling gasoline is to install LPG. Contrary to appearances, it is quite a reasonable choice.

Although many people still live in conviction, that the installation of LPG is the easiest way to quickly destroy the engine, it is worth getting rid of prejudices straight from the years 90, when cars with gas installations emitted not only an unpleasant odor, but also instead of delivering the expected savings, mostly standing in the workshop. Another argument for installing LPG in a car is the cost of such an operation.

The prices of gas installations dropped significantly in ...

The prices of gas installations have dropped significantly recently, what causes, that today we can put gas on a compact car at a low price and save money almost immediately. Additionally, today LPG, thanks to advances in technology, can be put in almost any car. Not so long ago, the installation of LPG in the car meant a significant reduction in the luggage space. Today, the cylinder can be easily hidden under the luggage compartment floor and you can enjoy the same space behind the seats all the time.