Saving in the car

Saving in the car

For years, Poles have been convinced of this, that driving a car comes at a high cost. Neither do the high ones help with that, as for Polish conditions, gasoline prices, nor large sums that often have to be spent on the operation of a car or even on certain roads. Is there a way to effectively reduce these expenses. One of the most popular ways to reduce car expenses is to install a gas installation.



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This is a very popular solution, which appeared in our country even in the years 80 and has been extremely successful ever since. No wonder, because the ratio of the price of one liter of gas to the purchase price of gasoline or any other fuel is very favorable for a Pole. But there are people, which, despite the obvious advantages of autogas, are still afraid of installing such a solution for their car. Wspólnie z ekspertami z firmy Landi Renzo Polska postanowiliśmy rozwiać wątpliwości. 1.

Gas destroys the engine ...

The gas destroys the engine. This is utter nonsense repeated by those, who have never had anything to do with autogas. There is practically no possibility, that a properly installed gas system could in any way destroy the engine. Numerous cases are known, when gas-powered cars traveled almost a million kilometers without major problems. 2. Gas reduces performance. Another pointless myth repeated by many people.

Modern LPG assembly technology makes, that the driver will hardly feel, whether it runs on petrol or LPG. Sequential injection systems are so precisely developed, that there is no chance of it, that they affect the performance of the car in any way. In a word - you will not feel a change in acceleration or a drop in the maximum speed. 3. Gas is inconvenient. Formerly, gas installations took up a large part of the trunk. Tanks are popular today, which we can put under the floor, so the trunk does not shrink.