Frederick Henry Royce was born in 1863 r. w Alwatore Lincolnshire. Initially, he dealt with electrical engineering. He became independent having 21 years. He started with the production of generators and electrical equipment sold by a Claremont partner. in 1903. company F. H. The Royce Company went bankrupt, not withstanding the competition of cheaper products from Germany and America. Then Royce began to refine the old Decauville car, from which he managed to make a completely new vehicle. Royce's first cars appeared in 1904 r. The Times” he wrote:…..the new engine works like this, that you cannot hear it or feel it”.

The company gained publicity after the arrival of a new partner, C.. S. Rollsa. Charles Steward Rolls was born in 1877 r. in the lord's family. Along with Claude Johnson, he owned a car importing business. After the Manchester meeting, the two companies agreed, that they will produce and sell cars under the Rolls-Royce brand.

The first Rolls-Royce car had a 2-cylinder engine with a displacement 1,8 liter and power 7,4 kW (10 KM). It was followed by models with engines 3-, 4- and 6 cylinders. Six-cylinder model 40/50 HP z 1906 r. he was so successful, that Johnson, as director of the Rolls-Royce plant, he decided to stop producing only this model. From the thirteenth copy of this typical series, characterized by the quiet operation of the 6-cylinder engine, silver-plated parts and a silver-painted aluminum body, was named Silver Ghost (silver ghost).

W 1913 r. the company placed the famous Spirit of Extasy figurine on the radiator, popularly referred to as Emily.

The factory has never been an advocate of revolutionary technical changes. Its bodywork, changed once in several dozen years, always gave a solid impression. It was thanks to such famous body companies, like Park Ward / Mulliner, Barker, Janes Joung and others.

Charles Rolls, sportsmen and one of the pioneers of sport aviation, died in 1910 r. in an air accident, having passed first over the English Channel. Sir Frederick Royce - one of the world's best car builders, died in 1933 r. After his death, as a sign of mourning, the red letters RR in the trademark were changed to black.

However, the durability and high standard of products has not changed, consisting in careful control and selection of appropriate materials, starting with raw materials. Each part has its own certificate, containing all the data, test results and names of workers and inspectors. All engines are lapped by 7 hours at full load, they are then completely dismantled and inspected. "Inquisition” by Rolls-Royce, every twentieth chassis bends, compresses and breaks into pieces. The body is protected against corrosion 14 layers of various protective coatings and varnishes.